My first video recording session in 2020

Who is Courtney Lee?

I’m just a mom who decided to finally do something with the songs I’ve been writing since I was a child.

We all write songs when we are kids - do you remember doing it? It’s something that I just never outgrew. I loved making up songs in junior high and high school, and even studied music in college because of it! I had big dreams to become the next Nora Jones, majoring in jazz piano and trying to write soulful songs about life and love.

But God had other plans :) Things just kept not panning out with my jazz piano dreams. I played music at church for years (and still do!), but found that as much as I wanted to, the songs I wrote wouldn’t work for a church setting. But then I would make up a little catchy song for my kids and realize I just couldn’t leave songwriting alone!

One day, while sobbing with my husband that I was never going to do anything with my music, he asked what would give me the most joy to do. And I said “I’d love to have a friend make a logo for my kids music and just start putting my kids songs on YouTube.” So, that’s what I did. (Thanks, Melody, for the original logo!)

In 2020, I revamped my old YouTube channel and filmed my first songs with a sheet for a background. It started me down a path of making over 200 videos, learning to illustrate and animate them, and doing live performances! And March of 2024 I’m getting to see a dream of 20 years come true - the release of my first full-length album! I am so surprised by this journey and so thankful I get to bring the joy of music to kids and families!